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Updated: Jun 16, 2019

The OBBRFC returns with its 2019 Sponsor a Baby Beaver/Banshee campaign!

For the past five years, donations from Beavers and Banshees alumni have ensured that every one of our junior players has team kit (shorts and socks) when they set foot onto the field to play with us.

The result of this is always a visual marvel, as the kids look like champions before they even hit the pitch.

To put your donations into perspective, a pair of shorts and socks costs approximately $50. Notwithstanding, we are very grateful for donations of any amount, and we count on the support from our alumni to keep this terrific initiative going for the future generations of the OBBRFC.

This year, we are encouraging donations through the Junior Development Fund, as donors will be given tax receipts for their contributions. The donation page can be found at the following link:

If you have any questions, or you would like to make a donation directly to the Club instead of the development fund, please contact President Lucas Bloess at

UPDATE (June 16, 2019):

The annual Sponsor a Baby Beaver/Banshee campaign came to an end last week, and the OBBRFC is proud to announce that we were once again able to ensure that every junior player was able to hit the field looking stellar in team kit this weekend.

A huge round of appreciation must be passed along to the following Beavers and Banshees alumni for their outstanding generosity:

-Lange Nicholson & TD Bank

-Pat "Pat" Merritt

-Justin "Juice" Lalonde

-Dylan "Dressing" McDonald

-Tania Laroche Duhamel

-Kim Goodwin

-Geoff Ives

-Keelan Green

-Leandra Carino

-Anitta Martignago

-Chris “Shaggy” Fox

-Bobby Moore

-Chris Morshead

-Grant Kealey

-Ken Ash

-Ryan Cody

-Robin Bridge

-Anonymous Gentleman

-Lucas Bloess

Our Junior Development Fund remains open in case you are ever interested in making a late donation to help support our kids.

Thank you!!!




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